Sunday, August 12, 2007

Gird Your Loins

I have a seminary friend who is an out Metropolitan Community Church pastor, working hard to plant a new congregation. She and I often exchange sermons in the writing stages... we chat on the phone. The other day we were talking about this morning's passage from Luke, and she began to tell me excitedly about the girding up of loins, and how it is used only three times in the gospels... in Mark and Matthew, referring to John the Baptizer, and here, talking to disciples and the various crowds and hangers on who comprise Luke's "little flock."

Girding up the loins... i.e., my friend says, hitching your skirts up through your legs and being ready to run, a la Elijah... running towards the kingdom, or as she refers to it, the common wealth (two words).

As I preach this text, it occurs to me yet again that it is God's word to me (amazing how I constantly, consistently miss that). That I must be ready... you all know for what.

I have entered again a period of some complacency, in which it seems I will be able to fly beneath the radar for a while... I want to do this. I want to attract no attention to my relationship with Beloved. (Perhaps I shouldn't have parties on my front porch, you say?). I want to be a simple country parson, tending my little flock (or, really running around yipping at it, since I'm a sheepdog and no shepherd). I want to blink innocently and say, "Whatever do you mean?" if someone should ask me about Beloved, because I truly think it has not a damned thing to do with whether I am a good pastor or not.

And Jesus is telling me, hitch up those skirts girl. Run towards it.


KJ said...

On this you can count -- When the time comes to "gird your loins", one thing you will not have to wonder is if it's time to "gird your loins."

Jane R said...

The ELCA vote of this week must be encouraging to you, too...

Thanks for that wonderful biblical image!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog recently and have been reading. I feel you would make a wonderful country parson of a United Church of Christ congregation where you and your beloved could be comfortable having a party on your front porch and it would really not make a damned bit of difference. Peace to you.

Kate said...

KJ, you are so, so right.

sharecropper said...

Seems to me as if you've already girded your loins and are ready to run. Now, the trick is to look ahead of you brave conscientious pastor instead of behind at the quiet country parson. And, God will let you know when it's time to make the run. Obviously, not yet. But you're ready, girl, you're ready. And, we're with you all the way - a host of saints to cheer you on.

Anonymous said...

I think it is Katherine Hepburn who is credited with saying, "well behaved women seldom make history".

Maybe it's time for you to make (your) history.

Good luck to you!


June Butler said...

Cecilia, Godspeed, for whenever you know it's time to "gird your loins". I believe that KJ is right.

Anonymous said...

When I read "gird your loins" my first thought was my mother's new favorite phrase, which makes an appearance at least once every phone convo--

"Pull up your big girl panties."

I'll get me coat now.

Cecilia said...

No need, Mary Sue... LOVE that image. And thank you all for the good words... one day at a time, right?

Pax, C.