Monday, November 12, 2007

Checking In

I had a sweet weekend with Beloved. We saw the most moving documentary on Friday, "In the Shadow of the Moon," about the Apollo astronauts who traveled there. We did homey things like going shopping together. We spent a languid Sunday afternoon with the New York Times, in and out of sleep (after a long morning at church, complete with a class I was teaching, a leadership meeting I moderated, and a hospital visit).

My children are well, busy, happy, maybe a little over-scheduled and tired (this is especially true for my son).

I feel that I don't have a lot to write just now. No big insights, no conundrums or dramas. My work feels good. I'm still closeted there, to the best of my ability to know. But life feels good, and moves forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, bless! Quiet times like this are few and far between, no matter who you are.