Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I believe...

... Beloved's out of the woods.

I could be wrong. But I believe, if they had seen anything of concern, they would have contacted her by now. At this point, I believe she'll receive a letter in the mail in about a week, stating "all clear."

This is what I believe.

I scheduled my mammogram for Friday.

So, I have been praying for Beloved. (I know that you have too, thank you.) But as I have mentioned, Beloved is an atheist, and she actually doesn't like being prayed for. (I prayed for her, by name, during the prayers Sunday. L. also.) I just refuse not to pray.

What are the ethics of prayer?


Anonymous said...

Do they know when I hug them I'm laying on hands, too? Do they know when I see their name on the phone, I'm praying I have the right words to give them? Do they know I'm remembering them at night before I go to bed?

No, and what they don't know won't hurt 'em.

Anonymous said...

I'm an atheist too, and I don't mind being prayed for, depending on who's doing the praying.

That is, if it's a holy roller fundy praying for my hell-bound atheist lesbian soul, I'd rather not.

But if it is a friend or my own BP, then I understand that it is a meaningful gift they give me in their scheme of things, and it would be churlish not to appreciate the personal sentiment even if the religious aspect has no meaning to me. So I interpret the idea to mean that they are saying "I love you and I'm thinking of you" which is a very nice thought, and I accept it on those terms.


Friar Don Pratt said...

You know, William James said at worst, prayers cause no harm. So why not pray for atheist.
